It is a difficult situation for any lady to pass through this very important stage of her life called Menopause.
It is the time which is in between 40 to 50 yrs of her age when her periods are suddenly or gradually stopped and she experiences a difficult situation like sleeplessness, mood swings, hot flushes etc.
My dear friends it is the crucial time when your body undergoes drastic changes and needs to be taken care of so that your forthcoming aging process will become smooth and happy. In another words if you want to live young for many more years ahead it needs to respect your body and do certain changes to your life style and get few test done periodically. Through Menopause clinic we are there to help you ease the menopause and get tests done. For example Breast Examination, PAP Test to rule out prevalent malignancies in India. Also certain pathological tests to screen that your kidneys, lipids and other systems are working efficiently.
Menopause Clinic Timing : Every Wednesday 6 to 8 PM
Smart Lady Scheme
Dear Friends
It had been my long awaited desire to start such a scheme for my friends to make them aware of their health.
This Scheme will help to keep my patients healthy and detect abnormialities earlier to active total health for them.
Any lady patient can be enrolled in this scheme. This scheme once enrolled will give assurance of treatment for one year on following tests. The scheme includes :---
- Gynaecological Ultrasound.
- Breast examination and teaching of self breast examination.
- PAPSmer
- TT Vaccination
- Pathological Test
- Blood Sugar Level
- Haemoglobin
- Serum Creatinine
- Blood Group
- Serum Cholesterol
- Education And Advice On.....
- Cancer Cervix Vaccination
- Colposcopy
- Rubella Vaccination