Female health
IA woman considers herself complete only when she gives birth to a child with her womb. But to give birth to a baby, we have to travel a long way of nine months. If everything goes well during this time, she gives birth to a healthy baby and fulfills her wishes, but sometimes an unpleasant accident happens to pregnant women and she is deprived of maternal pleasure. If they take care of some things then they can give birth to a healthy baby without any hindrance.
- As soon as it is confirmed that you are pregnant, from then until delivery you should be under the supervision of a gynecologist and keep your check-ups regularly.
- At the time of conception, you will have your blood group, especially RH. Factor should be checked. In addition to this, snowglobin should also be examined.
- If you are suffering from any disease like diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid, etc. Take regular medicines during pregnancy and keep these diseases under control.
- During the initial few days of pregnancy, it is natural to have jittery vomiting or a slight increase in blood pressure, but if these problems occur in extreme form, then contact your doctor.
- During pregnancy, if you have severe abdominal pain and bleeding from the vulva, take it seriously and tell the doctor immediately.
- Do not take any medicine or tablet in your mind during pregnancy and do not massage in the stomach. No matter how simple the disease is, do not take medicine without doctor's advice. If you go to a new doctor, make him aware that you are pregnant because some medicines leave a bad effect on the fetus.
- Get the necessary pregnancy vaccinations and take iron pills on the advice of a doctor.
- Take malaria seriously during pregnancy and tell the doctor immediately. Do not ignore abnormal swelling of face or hands, acute headache, blurred eyesight, and difficulty in bowel movement during pregnancy, these can be signs of danger.
- According to the duration of the pregnancy, the movement of the unborn baby should be done. If there is very little or no, then be alert and contact the doctor.
- To have a healthy baby born from your womb, it is necessary that you weigh 10 kg between conception and delivery. Must be increased.
- Do not wear extremely tight clothes during pregnancy and do not loose too much.
- At this stage, do not wear high heels. A slight insult may cause you to fall.
- In this fragile phase, heavy labor should not be done nor should we carry much weight. There is no harm in doing normal household work.
- During this period, give priority to travel by train or car instead of bus.
- If you do not travel in the eighth and ninth month, it is good.
- There is no harm in sexual intercourse during pregnancy, but be safe.
- Walking a little in the morning and evening during pregnancy.
- Be sure to get eight to ten hours of sleep in 24 hours.
- It is safer to have a specialist in a hospital or nursing home than to have delivery done at home.
- Do not watch violence oriented or horror movies or serials.
- Always be happy during pregnancy. Put a nice picture in your bedroom

Important things
A pregnant woman needs vitamins, iron and calcium in her diet. Iron, folic and calcium tablets are available free in all government health centers. These medicines are usually available from the facility. Which medicine should be taken from a doctor?
- The weight of the woman should increase between 11 to 14 kg.
- The intake of tea, coffee or any beverage during pregnancy should be very limited.
- If there is any kind of vomiting, then grind dry coriander or green coriander bit and squeeze its powder, give it 5 to 5 teaspoons of water again and again. Vomiting can stop.
- Pregnant woman should be fed with carrot juice. There will be no shortage of calcium and blood.
- Pregnant women must take some nuts such as almonds, walnuts. They remove the weakness of the body. Mother and child give strength to both.
- Pregnant women should eat less salt in their diet.
- Make sure to have green vegetables in your daily diet. It gives iron.
- Pregnant women must consume orange in the morning and evening. So that the progeny is beautiful, healthy. The reason is that vitamin ABD is higher in the season. Due to excess calcium, phosphorus and mineral, the blood becomes red.
- Always be happy, stay away from stress.
- Drink buttermilk in your pregnancy.
- There is often a lack of blood in pregnancy. So take two spoons of honey. The baby will be beautiful and healthy. And the problem of lack of blood will be removed.
- After the meal, take a short walk.
- A pregnant woman does not suffer from childbirth by eating coconut balls and sugar candy. The progeny Gaur is varna and strong.
- Eat papaya after delivery, there will be milk growth in the breast.
Why it is important to disseminate and follow the information about breastfeeding.
Mothers who drink milk are less prone to diseases. And those who eat milk more than the other types of food, get more good nutrition. If all the children get milk of the first 6 months mother, then we can reduce the evidence of child mortality (1.5 lakh) every year.
Important check in pregnancy
Pregnancy is a very important and sensitive event and unique experience of a woman's life. During this period, the woman goes through several physical / mental changes.
But these changes are not the same for everyone. Any symptom or condition can cause great distress, so the other woman has no problem in it,
Therefore, in order to keep pregnancy safe and healthy, it is important to continuously monitor the development of the unborn baby in the internal changes in the body related to pregnancy so that any disturbance or disorder can be caught early in its proper development. To diagnose and treat. Get regular medical check up from the beginning of your pregnancy and do the tests or tests your doctor recommends without paying. During the pregnancy, various blood tests (blood samples) and urine tests are done from time to time to ascertain the chemical and physical changes that occur in the body, with the same sonography to check the growth and condition of the fetus.

Blood and urine tests of pregnant woman

* Hemogram * Blood sugar * Serum bilirubin * Serum creatinine * Blood urea * Achiv, HBSSG screening * Blood group All the above tests are not only very important, but also have their own special significance.
With hemogram, only anemia is detected, but other ignorance infections can also be caught. Due to early detection of anemia, the possible dangers can be avoided by timely treatment. Blood sugar, serum, bilirubin, blood urea, and serum are tests that act like an umbrella, and provide information about the effects of pregnancy on almost the entire functioning of your body.
Examination of HIV, HBsAg, Whidryl etc. is essential for both mother and child in terms of diagnosis of fatal AIDS, Hepatitis B and sexual diseases.
In this way, basic or basic examination will not only help your obstetrician to manage your pregnancy better, but by addressing the problem in the early stages, by proper treatment, the mother and the fetus can be protected from many dangers. The expenses on these tests should be given as small investment for safe motherhood
Another important test is ultra sonography
This gives information about the growth, maturity, heart rate and physical movements of the fetus, as well as any risky situations such as the insertion of the placenta in the neck of the baby, slipping the ovary from its place, It is necessary to dry the uterine water (amniotic fluid) in which the baby is safe, at least once every quarter. In addition, some special tests may be necessary at times.
In some special cases, which we call high-risk pregnancy, it is necessary to check, such as in pregnancy after the age of 35, a triple marker test is done to find out if there is any (neurology) in the fetus There is no problem of mental degeneration. Similarly, when a diabetes occurs in the family members (parents, grandparents, grandparents, etc.), a glucose tolerance test of a pregnant woman becomes necessary so that the possible measures can be taken to ascertain the possibility of diabetes.
The following should be in your diet during pregnancy.
- 3 times the best protein - egg, soybean etc.
- 2 times the vitamin C content - rasila fruit, tomato
- 4 times calcium staple (4 times in pregnancy and 5 times in lactation) like milk, curd
- 3 times green leafy and yellow vegetables / fruits spinach, fenugreek, chickpeas, citaphal, carrots
- 1/2 times other fruits and vegetables - Brinjal, Cabbage
- 4-5 times whole grains and mixed cabanatritus-chapati rice
- 8-10 glasses of water
- Dietary supplements according to the doctor's consultation.
Important message
What rights do every family have to get information about breastfeeding?
- For any child (newborn), only 6 months before the milk and food of the mother is necessary. No food or water should be given.
- If you are suffering from HIV, this disease can be transmitted through milk. In order to reduce the deception of the newborn baby, if there is a possibility of becoming diseased or diseased, then the mother should meet with a skilled health worker and do her own investigation and know the health issues.
- Keep the newborn in the mother's lap and start breastfeeding one hour after birth.
- The mother gets more milk due to repeated breastfeeding. Almost all mothers can breastfeed well.
- Lactating babies get protection from Rongo. Apart from this, a special kind of relationship is formed between mother and children.
- Feeding milk with a bottle can cause child disease. If a mother does not want to breastfeed, then she should feed her milk or any milk-related substance in a clean cup.
- After the sixth month the child needs different types of food. However, they should breastfeed for 2 years.
- If a mother goes outside the house due to job, then when she is with her child, then she should breastfeed more and more.
- After the birth of a child, if the mother is repeatedly breastfeeding her baby, she gets 80% protection from the subsequent pregnancy. For this, her menstrual period should not start and breastfeeding should be started overnight and no different kind of food should be given to the baby to silence him.